Students sign in for first-year orientation in June 2014. Learn what campus sites blogger Taylor Maas recommends you see as an incoming student at orientation.
It’s orientation month here at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and we’ve been feelin’ it: the high-energy anticipation of the start of a life adventure as new students tour the campus and discover all their school has to offer. It’s hard not to be drawn into the excitement! So we want in, and decided the best way to be part of it all was to show you some of the spots on campus that have become our favorites over the past three years; our own virtual tour of UW-Stevens Point-awesomeness. Click on each picture to find the excitement we have for each location.

1. Dreyfus University Center – From Centertainment hosting concerts and events, and movies free to students (we got to see “How to Train Your Dragon 2” and “Big Hero 6” before they were released on DVD), to picking up your free rental books from University Store and Text Rental, to even grabbing refreshments at the Brewhaus, the Dreyfus University Center has everything. Bringing it back to college basics, there are also tons of great study spots. This is one of our favorites. We like to sit and people-watch after picking up a snack from the cafe.

2. Natural History Museum – Located at the university library (Albertson Learning Resource Center), the Natural History Museum is great to walk through during finals week study breaks. Check out the many permanent and rotating exhibits. I could sit and stare at the butterfly exhibit for hours. This guy prefers pretending the big animals are alive and attacking him.

3. Noel Fine Arts Center – Besides seeing fantastic shows put on by the Department of Music and Department of Theatre and Dance, there is also the Carlsten Gallery on the second floor with a permanent collection provided by the Department of Art and Design and student exhibitions throughout the academic year. We also enjoy just walking around the building. I have a friend and fellow-Pointer who had her engagement pictures taken there. It’s that cool.

4. The Greenery – On nice days there are many perfect places to sit and study … or take a nap. This happens to be my favorite because it’s right outside of the Collins Classroom Center, where I have most of my classes.

5. The Allen F. Blocher Planetarium – I had never been to a planetarium before attending UW-Stevens Point. Now we love to go check out new shows in the Science Building and learn more about the universe.

6. Bennett Court at Quandt Fieldhouse – A tour of UW-Stevens Point just isn’t complete without checking out one of the great spots for Athletics. UW-Stevens Point sports are not only a big part of student culture, but the whole community gets involved!

7. Trainer Natural Resources – Our last stop on our virtual tour is the Trainer Natural Resources building (TNR), which is part of the College of Natural Resources (CNR). Stevens Point’s great location and environmental focus brings some of the most passionate students of science I have ever met. Although I am not personally one of these people, I love striking up good conversations with them and finding an excuse to walk through the TNR and visit the turtles and lizards!
That’s the end of our tour, but don’t let it be the end of yours! Click to learn more about where on campus these spots are located, information about orientation and how to schedule your own walking tour!
Taylor Maas is a philosophy and religious studies double major, a political science minor and a blogger at UW-Stevens Point. Follow her this summer and beyond at the UW-Stevens Point blog.