Students seeking help with choosing or declaring a major can find help from the Academic and Career Advising Center at this building, the Student Services Center. By fall, the office will be moving to the Learning Resources Center.
If you’re headed to school next fall as an undecided or undeclared major, you’re not alone. Many students enter college without a declared major. In fact, according to USA TODAY College, nearly 80 percent of students change their major at least once. Fortunately, there are plenty of resources you can utilize to find a major you love at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.
Follow the three-semester plan
The UW-Stevens Point Academic and Career Advising Center offers a three-semester plan for declaring a major. The plan includes steps for discovering a major that interests you. It lets you explore all of your options without forcing you to jump into a major. It also provides you with the perfect timeline to knock out your gen-eds and develop skills that will be beneficial wherever your career takes you.
Take a career assessment
Career assessments are a great way to start the search for a career that suits your personality and needs. Even if you’ve already declared your major, a career assessment can help you confirm you’re on the right track by making sure your interests intersect with your skills and abilities. The UW-Stevens Point Academic and Career Advising Center offers a variety of career assessment options. Call 715-346-3226 to set up an appointment to take the assessments and meet with a certified adviser to discuss your results.
Meet with an academic and career adviser
Talking through your interests and goals can make finding a major significantly easier. Whether you’re completely lost or have a slight idea of what you’d like to do, an academic and career adviser can make sure you’re headed in the right direction. UW-Stevens Point has academic and career advisers who are knowledgeable of the degrees offered on campus and the current and future needs of the workforce.
Attend a career fair
Career fairs are an easy way to brainstorm career options. Taking a look at what’s up in the workforce and finding places you’d like to work might just guide you to a perfect major and career. If you come across something that interests you, ask that professional about their job to get a better idea of his or her day.
UW-Stevens Point blogger Chloe Wiersma is a communication major with a public relations emphasis and a business administration minor from Beaver Dam, Wis.