Monthly Archives: November 2016

My Biggest Cheerleader

Starting college is a new and exciting experience, but it can also seem frightening and overwhelming. For me, it has been valuable to have a strong support system to help in the transitional times of my life and to keep me going. My mom has been my biggest cheerleader and supporter through the whole experience. […]


5 Instagram Accounts You Should Be Following

If you’re anything like me, you probably spend a little too much time on Instagram. I’m constantly looking for new accounts to follow and ones that are going to grab my interest as a college student. So here it is! I’ve rounded up five Instagram accounts every Pointer (or future Pointer!) should follow:     […]


How References Can Make a Difference

Mikayla Jankowski shares how building professional relationships can benefit students searching for jobs.

During an application process of any sort, most future employers ask for references. You want to be able to provide references that will give you a good recommendation because they know you and have seen what you are capable of. Some references I’ve received in the past were from professors I have had close relationships with or […]
