It’s that time of the semester! The sun is shining, classes are winding down, summer is coming soon but before we can enjoy these times, we have finals. I’m here to bring you some of my study tips for online finals that could help you succeed!
Tip 1: Plan out your exams
Your professors may have kept the same times for your exams or moved them around, either way you need to add them to your planner, so you have enough time to study for all of them. Just make sure you feel ready and comfortable when it’s time to take that exam.
Tip 2: Set up a quiet workspace
Getting some quiet time in your house can be tough. I recommend finding a comfortable place in your room where you can create your own workspace. Make sure there is plenty of room for your computer and notes. If you’re at home, try to remind your family that you’re studying/taking an important exam and need it to be quiet until you’re finished. Having that quiet time and a nice space will help you stay focused and comfortable.
Tip 3: Study days, maybe even week before
This always depends on the class, but for most of my classes, I have to spend a week studying the material. There is so much and if I keep reviewing it over and over again, it sticks with me better. No matter how long you need to study, make sure you cater to your learning style. Using note cards, Quizlet, memorizing techniques and charts are some of my favorite ways!
Tip 4: Study breaks
Not only is studying important, but so is staying hydrating and taking study breaks. Make yourself a snack, have some coffee or a smoothie, but get your mind away from your computer before digging into that next big chapter. Lots of screen time can be draining, so avoid those when taking a break!
Tip 5: Have your charging cord and outlet near you
Having exams online can take up a lot of computer battery. Make sure you have your power cord and an outlet nearby, so you don’t lose your whole exam due to your computer dying. Better yet, stay plugged in during your exam. Also, check your Wi-Fi and make sure you find a good spot when taking your exam. This is key!
Tip 6: Don’t give up!
It’s getting nicer out and everything is online so it’s easier to slack, but knowing you put your all in your exam and getting the grade you want feels great! We’re all going through this together, so finish strong.
P.S. Don’t forget to treat yourself after this semester! You deserve it!