Tag Archives: college advice

Are You Ready For Commencement?

As Commencement nears, nerves and excitement start to kick in. But during this hectic time of year, it’s important to remember to make sure we are staying on track. Commencement is about celebrating all your hard work over the last few years, reminiscing on the memories created and the friends you have made. Convocation marked […]


6 Easy Ways to Make Your Room More Festive

As the semester draws to an end, the holiday season rapidly approaches. With all of the craziness that surrounds finals some students find it harder to get into the seasonal spirit. To help you along, here are some ideas for getting into the wintery holiday season in your residence hall room: 1.One of the most popular decorations […]


The A to Z of College

I have learned a variety of things in college I wish I had known coming in. I wish I had been prepared for how much I was going to change, how much I needed to be patient, and to ask more questions. Here is an A-to-Z list of some of the advice I have found useful […]


5 Instagram Accounts You Should Be Following

If you’re anything like me, you probably spend a little too much time on Instagram. I’m constantly looking for new accounts to follow and ones that are going to grab my interest as a college student. So here it is! I’ve rounded up five Instagram accounts every Pointer (or future Pointer!) should follow:     […]


Why Point?

UW-Stevens Point has a different impact on everyone based on the experiences that happen while on campus. Experiences can influence people’s decisions, and my experiences at UWSP while in grade school definitely influenced my choice to attend this university later. Some people choose to go to a university because of its size, affordability and where it […]
