Tag Archives: internships

My Summer Internship Working The Levitt AMP Stevens Point Concert Series

Anyon Rettinger writes about his summer internship and how to begin your own internship search.

I highly recommend looking for a summer internship now because there are so many ways to help make a difference, right where you live. UW-Stevens Point helps make this process easy by providing lots of resources.


Get To Know Campus Activities And Student Engagement

Blogger Jennifer Rukavina introduces Campus Activities and Student Engagement - the place to go to get involved!

Campus Activities and Student Engagement helps UW-Stevens Point students in everything from participating in volunteer opportunities and gaining leadership experience to finding on or off-campus jobs.


Internship Spotlight: Rachel Gasper

Val Every interviewed UW-Stevens Point senior Rachel Gasper about her summer internship at Miller Park in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

I sat down with Rachel to find out more about her internship experience and what advice she had to offer to other students.


Landing Your First Grown-Up Job

I am no expert on landing your first job, but I hope some of the things I have done so far will help me in the future. Throughout high school and college, people have told me to do so many different things in order to get the job I want someday. Here are (in my opinion) four of the best things to do to land your first job after graduation:
