Tag Archives: winterim

Favorite Holiday And Seasonal Meals

Mai La Yang talks with friends and shares their favorite holiday and seasonal meals.

Finally, the snow is falling – giving me the holiday spirit. Out of curiosity, I interviewed a few of my friends and asked what favorite holiday or seasonal meals they enjoy when they go back home.


University Store and Text Rental: Your One-Stop Shop

Jennifer Rukavina shares what the University Store and Text Rental has to offer in the month of December.

The end of the 2017 fall semester is near, Pointers – can you believe it? Finals are right around the corner. To make these last weeks as stress-free as possible, the University Store and Text Rental is at your service!


Personal And Professional Development Through Travel

Anyon Rettinger shares his experiences joining campus organizations at UW-Stevens Point and traveling to student conferences across the nation.

Join clubs and organizations, and travel with them to conferences and conventions. You can expand your horizons professionally and network, while exploring a new place. I am so thankful I chose UW-Stevens Point because I really feel like I have learned so much and am ready to take on the world after college.


Questing For A Job

Mai La Yang shares how to access and use Quest, a search tool for finding student jobs both on and off campus.

You can use Quest to help guide you in finding jobs on campus, off campus, or around the Stevens Point-Plover area!


Tips for Setting and Achieving Your New Year’s Resolution

Alyssa Deem provides tips for setting and achieving 2017 goals.

Every year we make the same old resolutions to get better grades, lose weight, eat healthier, or some other general resolution. But how many of us actually attain those goals? This year, let’s make a change. Choose a resolution you are extremely passionate about and instead of having multiple, just pick one resolution to focus […]
