Last Minute Gift Ideas for Procrastinating Pointers

Chloe Wiersma shares her picks for gifts from the university store.

As you wrap up your semester and prepare for winter break, don’t forget to stock up on a few gifts for the people who made this semester jollier. And where’s a better place for a Pointer to pick up a gift than UW-Stevens Point’s University Store? Located in the Dreyfus University Center, the University Store […]


4 Tips for Resumes

Val Every gives four key tips for creating and updating your resume.

With the semester quickly concluding, it’s time to start thinking about jobs and internships for the coming summer! How about using your winter break to create or update your resume? Resumes and cover letters are extremely important when applying for a position. This is your first impression on your future employer and, just as you […]


Finals Week Survival Guide

Happy finals week, Pointers! We’re so close to finishing the semester. It’s just this one giant mountain – AKA: finals – standing between winter break and us. It’s time to suppress your chronic procrastination, hold in your tears and pull out your textbooks. (Even that one you haven’t cracked open all semester.) If you find yourself […]


GradReady: Everything You Need to Know

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Have you ever heard of GradReady? It’s a free, interactive, online financial literacy resource offered by UW-Stevens Point’s Financial Aid Office and NorthStar Education Services. This resource can be used throughout enrollment and even after you’ve graduated. GradReady contains different learning methods to appeal to anyone’s preferred way of learning. There are videos, downloadable PDFs, […]


Are You Ready For Commencement?

As Commencement nears, nerves and excitement start to kick in. But during this hectic time of year, it’s important to remember to make sure we are staying on track. Commencement is about celebrating all your hard work over the last few years, reminiscing on the memories created and the friends you have made. Convocation marked […]
