Monthly Archives: October 2024

UWSP Halloween Costume Ideas

Hey, Pointers! It is week nine, which means we’re halfway through Fall semester already!   You’ve likely had many exams, projects and/or papers due in the last few weeks. Halloween is a great time to get away from midterm work and create a fun costume!  Read on for ideas to put together your UWSP-themed costume!  Stevie […]


Winter Sports at UWSP

Winter sports are finally here! UWSP offers a variety of winter sports for students to come out and cheer on! With sports such as track and field, hockey, basketball, wrestling, and swimming and diving, there are numerous events that you can attend for free with your student ID. Grab your friends and show your school […]


What Should I Know About Applying to Graduate?

Students should apply to graduate at least one full semester prior to their final term so that they can conduct a graduation audit and address any issues prior to registering for their final term. Students who apply during their final term may find it too late to add a class if they are deficient in some area.   Current Graduation Application Deadlines:  Students use the […]


Fall Break Activities

Starting this Friday, UW-Stevens Point will offer its first Fall Wellness Break. This initiative, created through the Student Government Association, takes place from Oct. 25-27, with no classes on Friday (with some exceptions) and no projects, assignments, exams or other assessments due during this time.  We encourage you to take advantage of this break to […]


Taking a Winterim Course at UWSP

Hi! My name is Stephanie, and I am a fourth-year student at UWSP, pursuing my BFA in Acting, as well as a minor in Arts Management. When I was a sophomore, I decided to take a Winterim course, and had a very positive experience.  When looking at my Degree Progress Report, I realized I still […]
