Looking for a job on the UWSP campus has never been easier! Quest is an employment database where students can find jobs posted by both on and off-campus employers.
By using Quest, students have been able to find amazing jobs that help develop professional skills and further their knowledge about the career they want to pursue.
You can find Quest by clicking on the logins tab on the UWSP homepage and using your student credentials to log in. From there you will be brought to the Quest homepage. By clicking on the “Job Search” tab, you will be brought to a search bar that will allow you to enter filters to help you narrow down the kinds of jobs you are looking for.
For example, there is a location filter named “On Campus-Stevens Point”. This will only display the job listings posted by employers located on campus. When choosing that filter, jobs from almost every department on campus will be shown. Currently, there are positions open in Dining, University Centers, the DRC, and even different schools in the four colleges.
You can also filter jobs even further by choosing a category. If you are searching for a job that is focused on athletics, you can choose that filter to find an array of jobs in Allen Fitness Center and Champions Hall. Or if you’re more of a marketing person, you can choose the marketing filter to find jobs that pertain to your interests.
Working on campus is a great opportunity for students. Many employers on campus acknowledge that you are a student first and foremost and will not pile too much onto your plate during your studies. It’s also a great way to make new connections with your colleagues and supervising staff. This way you can start building your own professional
To start your on-campus job search, look through Quest today!