Spring semester is on its way, Pointers! A new semester means a fresh start. Whether you’re a part of multiple different organizations, have an on-campus job, or are simply attending classes, here are a few tips to set you up for a successful semester.
- Get—and stay—organized
- Coming back from winter break can be a hectic transition. You’ve just spent the last four weeks chilling out at home and now suddenly, you’re jumping back into your busy school schedule. You can make this transition easier by getting yourself organized. Memorizing your schedule and class locations, picking up your textbooks ahead of time and creating a calendar of all upcoming deadlines and events are just some ideas of how to organize yourself before classes start.
- Practicing self-care
- We all know that college is stressful, especially when you look at the overwhelming to-do lists and syllabuses from day one. Taking some time to practice self-care can help make all the difference in your mental health. Be sure to get a good night’s sleep or participate in some of your hobbies to ease some of the stress you might be feeling. Check out this blog to find more tips for stress management: https://blog.uwsp.edu/blog/2023/09/27/tips-for-stress-management/
- Get into a routine
- Creating a routine will help you manage your time more effectively. Creating a designated block in your calendar for classes, sports, clubs, or any other activity you participate in, will give you a visual idea of what you are doing when. Following a routine schedule will become like second nature and eventually, you won’t even have to think about what you have going on.
- Set goals to improve on last semester’s issues
- Did you feel you had no time for homework? Or that you didn’t understand the material at all? Maybe you felt that your eating habits weren’t the greatest. Or you didn’t feel very involved on campus. These are very common struggles that students face during the school year, especially during their first semester. What you can do is set some goals for yourself, big or small, to give yourself a challenge to improve on some of the things you were struggling with last semester. Not only can this be a chance to meet some New Year’s resolutions, but it can also be a chance to make some friends along the way.
- Go to class
- This may seem like a no-brainer but with the cold weather lasting a bit longer than we’d like in Wisconsin, students don’t like the idea of leaving their cozy dorms to make the trek through four feet of snow, but this is why you’re here! Going to class is not just a learning opportunity, it’s also a chance to get to know your classmates and professor who can become a support system for you. Some professors grade attendance so there are points for simply showing up! Going to class will maximize your success during your time at college.
You don’t have to be the smartest person in the room, or the most stressed person. Having a successful semester is what you make of it. By creating positive habits, you will begin to see a difference in how the rest of your semester will play out for you. Be sure to take care of yourself and have fun while you’re here!