We are so excited that our ViewPoint days are coming up very shortly! They are a great opportunity to get to know the campus and get a good idea of what attending UWSP looks like. On ViewPoint day, you get plenty of time to get to know not only the layout and energy of the campus but get to experience a comprehensive open house where you can attend academic sessions, student panels, taste test campus dining, and explore the resource fair. You also have the option to tour the campus led by one of our students.
When you are deciding which colleges you want to apply to, there are a lot of unknowns that come up. This day is a chance for interested individuals to see if UWSP fits into their future collegiate plans. Attending this day will give you plenty of chances to ask your questions to qualified staff and students.
Interested in attending? The next two dates for ViewPoint days are April 6th and April 27th. For more information, check out the following link with all of our visitation options and links to sign up.