Undergraduate Research, Scholarly, and Creative Activity (URSCA) is happy to announce the availability of student travel and poster printing grants!
As a high impact practice, undergraduate research and creative activities engage students in actively contested questions, creative expression, empirical observation, cutting-edge technologies, and the sense of excitement that comes from working to answer important questions. Students gain many benefits from engaging in these activities, including preparation for graduate study, professional schools, job skills, and networking. We’ve streamlined the grant application process to make it as simple as possible. Here are some of the exciting grants your student can apply for:
- Travel grants up to $750 for individual student work
- Travel grants up to $4500 for group travel
- One free poster print per academic year
- Poster templates available online
Grants will be approved on a rolling basis, but please have your student submit 30 days before travel. Poster printing requires a two-week lead time and will be initiated by the sponsoring faculty member. Applications and more information can be found on the URSCA website: https://www3.uwsp.edu/UCOL/Pages/URSCA.aspx
If you have any questions or would like help, please email oscar@uwsp.edu. We hope your students will consider applying, and we look forward to reviewing their research and creative activity projects!