On April 8th, the public is invited to witness the next partial solar eclipse on campus! Join members of the Department of Physics and Astronomy for the viewing through portable telescopes with solar filters at the UWSP Colman Field.
The department will be providing a limited number of free eclipse sunglasses to visitors.
The eclipse is roughly two and a half hours, starting at about 12:50 p.m. The maximum visible point will be about 2:07 p.m. with the sun most hidden from view. The department will be following the phenomena for its whole duration until about 3:20 p.m.
Note: The event will be cancelled if the weather is not favorable.
We strongly advise everybody to avoid staring at or observing the sun without proper protection! Failure to protect your eyes for solar observations like this can lead to irreparable damage.
If you would like to view the solar eclipse but are unable to receive a pair of provided eclipse sunglasses, an alternative way of viewing is a pair of No. 14 welder’s goggles. Be sure to inspect your eyewear before using them on eclipse day. You should not be able to see anything through them except for the sun. If you can, they will not protect your eyes.