Written by: Jack Orlando
It’s hard to believe that November is here! Out with spooky season, in with it being dark at 5 p.m.
With the end of fall semester quickly approaching, it is time to start planning for spring registration. Here is what you need to know:
What do I need to do before I register?
You need to meet with your academic advisor. Once you have met with them, they will clear your academic advising hold in accesSPoint.
If you have not already heard from your advisor, you can find their contact information in accesSPoint. Click “Profile,” then “Advisors.”
The accesSPoint “Tasks” tile will tell you if there are other holds that require your attention before registering for the next term.
When do I register?
Each student has an assigned registration date and time that can be found in accesSPoint. These are assigned based on total credits you have completed toward graduation.
To find your registration time, navigate to the “My Classes” tile, then click “Registration Dates” and select the term.
As a student, I put my registration time on my calendar and set my phone to remind me an hour before it occurs. That way, I make sure I register at the earliest possible time!
How do I register?
Before your registration date
- Meet with your advisor and build next term’s schedule in Schedule Builder.
- When you have chosen your schedule, click “Send to Shopping Cart.” This will allow you to quickly and easily pull it up.
- Click “Validate.” This will tell you if there are more actions required before you register.
On your registration date
- Open schedule builder
- Navigate to your shopping cart
- Click the purple “Register” button. The system will tell you when registration is complete!
After registration
- Double check that your registration went through.
- Pat yourself on the back! You did it!
If you have any questions about registration, contact the Office of the Registrar at 715-346-4301 or registrar@uwsp.edu.
As always, it’s a great day to be a Pointer!