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Solar Eclipse on April 8

On April 8th, the public is invited to witness the next partial solar eclipse on campus! Join members of the Department of Physics and Astronomy for the viewing through portable telescopes with solar filters at the UWSP Colman Field.   The department will be providing a limited number of free eclipse sunglasses to visitors.   […]


Sign Up for Orientation

Congratulations! You’re committed to UW-Stevens Point!  What’s the next step?   After you’ve met with your academic advisor for your virtual appointment via zoom, you will be required to participate in an in-person Orientation on the UWSP campus!  New Student Orientation is for incoming first-year students to help them in transitioning to campus. During Orientation, […]


On-Campus vs. Off Campus Jobs

Finding work as a student can be intimidating for many reasons. It is hard to find a job that fits into your schedule, or has the flexibility needed for being a college student. There are two types of jobs that you should consider when job searching: on campus and off campus. I am going to […]


Spring Registration

It’s that time of year, Pointers. Class registration is almost here!   Within the next few weeks, Graduate and Undergraduate registration opens on April 15th. Open enrollment for non-degree seeking students opens on May 2nd.   Your own registration appointment time is based on the number of credits you have earned towards graduation. Typically, the more credits […]
