By: Emily Meyer Wow, has this been a crazy school year! From distanced learning to modified in-person classes, we have all had to adjust how we learn and modify our study habits. As the semester comes to an end, here as some finals week tips, tricks, and resources to help you finish off the semester […]
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Study/Test Tips for Online Finals
It’s that time of the semester! The sun is shining, classes are winding down, summer is coming soon but before we can enjoy these times, we have finals. I’m here to bring you some of my study tips for online finals that could help you succeed! Tip 1: Plan out your exams Your professors may […]
More...5 Tips For Mastering Finals Week
Surviving finals week is more than doable, and you don’t have to be stressed. I will give you five tips for sanely mastering the finals week experience. It’s all about perspective and a little tactful planning.
More...Finals Week Survival Guide
Happy finals week, Pointers! We’re so close to finishing the semester. It’s just this one giant mountain – AKA: finals – standing between winter break and us. It’s time to suppress your chronic procrastination, hold in your tears and pull out your textbooks. (Even that one you haven’t cracked open all semester.) If you find yourself […]
More...7 study tips for midterms, finals or papers
UW-Stevens Point blogger Kaya B. Gravitter gives tips to new and prospective students on studying for finals.