Tag Archives: UWSPgrad

Commencement Reflections

Commencement Reflections - Anyon Rettinger

Each year of college has been drastically different. Although it has been two different chapters in my book, because of the two universities I attended, I am quite content with the way things worked out. I have so many memories and friends to cherish and list of accomplishments to be proud of.


4 Ways Current Students Can Benefit From The Alumni Association

Ashlee Weidman, UW-Stevens Point senior and University Advancement communications and marketing assistant, shares four ways current students can benefit from the Alumni Association.

If you’re thinking, “We have an Alumni Association?” We sure do! The Alumni Association handles all things UWSP alumni related including volunteer work, donations, alumni awards and alumni chapters. Here are four ways you can benefit from the Alumni Association…


A Letter of Thanks From a Soon-To-Be Grad

I am excited to see what my future holds, but I have also had a great time here. There have been many people who have helped me become the person I am, and I am incredibly thankful. Throughout my time at UW-Stevens Point, three great groups have helped me along the way:
