By: Cole Verbeten Move-in day is fast-approaching and planning what you should and should not bring is step #1. As summer pushes forward, you may start to see stores transition to selling back-to-school items and you may think, “What should I bring to UWSP when I move in? Look no further! Here are some tips, tricks, do’s, and don’ts […]
More...Finals Week Tips
By: Emily Meyer Wow, has this been a crazy school year! From distanced learning to modified in-person classes, we have all had to adjust how we learn and modify our study habits. As the semester comes to an end, here as some finals week tips, tricks, and resources to help you finish off the semester […]
More...Theatre and Dance Shows
By: Emily Meyer We have all had to adapt to virtual classes and lectures, but the Department of Theatre and Dance here at UW-Stevens Point has had to go one step further by figuring out how to still put on performances in this new virtual world. The Theatre and Dance Department has gone the extra […]
More...File Your FAFSA
By: Ashley Krizmanich Whether you are an incoming student (congratulations!) or a continuing student, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application is open if you have not already completed it. The application opened on October 1, 2020, for aid year 2021-2022. If you have not yet submitted it, don’t fret! It is best practice to submit […]
More...How Winterim Billing Works
By: Ashley Krizmanich I hope that this new year has been off to a great start for each of you. Some of my winter breaks consisted of relaxing, while others consisted of working as much as possible. I even took a winterim course one year. One of my biggest questions when enrolling for winterim was […]