Tag Archives: college advice

UWSP Students Can Explore Interests with Research

students in lab

By: Madeline O’Hara, University Communications and Marketing Intern There are active research projects across UWSP’s campus, spanning a variety of disciplines and topics. As someone with a minor in Neuroscience and Behavior, I was naturally drawn to the neuroscience research taking place in the biology and psychology departments. The two projects I have worked on […]


Volunteer Opportunities

Students standing around a table painting bowls.

By: Carmen Morgan, Student Volunteer Coordinator for CASE Did you know that CASE (Campus Activities and Student Engagement) hosts several volunteer events each semester? We have two ongoing monthly events in the fall and spring semesters called Sustainable Saturdays and Sundays with Seniors. CASE also holds blood drives each semester right on campus in the […]


Moving into UW-Stevens Point

By: Cole Verbeten Move-in day is fast-approaching and planning what you should and should not bring is step #1.  As summer pushes forward, you may start to see stores transition to selling back-to-school items and you may think, “What should I bring to UWSP when I move in? Look no further! Here are some tips, tricks, do’s, and don’ts […]


File Your FAFSA

By: Ashley Krizmanich Whether you are an incoming student (congratulations!) or a continuing student, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application is open if you have not already completed it. The application opened on October 1, 2020, for aid year 2021-2022. If you have not yet submitted it, don’t fret!   It is best practice to submit […]


Fun Things to do in Stevens Point Over the Summer

?: @alyssamvrie (on Instagram)   Hey Pointers! Happy summer! I’m excited to bring you this blog about fun summer activities you can do in Stevens Point. I was born and raised here in Stevens Point, so here are a few of my favorite things.   Belts’ Soft Serve This is by far my favorite spot in […]
