WIAC sports may be canceled but there’s still hope for sports at college. By this, I mean intramurals and club sports of course! Maybe you’re still unsure of joining or which sport to choose, but I’m here to tell you why you should join! Also, the precautions that are needed to make intramurals, club sports […]
More...Tag Archives: UWSP blog
Study/Test Tips for Online Finals
It’s that time of the semester! The sun is shining, classes are winding down, summer is coming soon but before we can enjoy these times, we have finals. I’m here to bring you some of my study tips for online finals that could help you succeed! Tip 1: Plan out your exams Your professors may […]
More...TV Shows and Movies You Need to Watch
Times are uncertain right now and there’s not much to do besides binge-watch tv. That’s why I have a list of all my favorite shows and movies to watch at home through streaming services. It’s hard not to binge-watch tv shows and movies when streaming services put the whole season out right away. There are […]
More...Top Ways to be a Sustainable Pointer at Home
By: Molly McGuire and Arabella Welhouse Being home during this time can have drastic effects on our regular schedule and habits. It has never been a more perfect time to add some sustainable changes into your new schedule! Plants! Spring is on the way—time to germinate some seeds, propagate and repot your plants. Now is […]
More...Staying Active and Healthy at Home
Your time at home can be stressful, unpredictable and gloomy. With things being closed, it’s important to stay busy and active in your own backyard! Today, I’m bringing you some home workouts and fun activities you can do. Let’s start with workouts. We’ve been told to stay active, even if we can’t go to our […]