
By: Brie Atwater Hey, Pointers! Fees and monthly costs can make for a stressful semester. Here are some helpful ways to alleviate that stress and make breaking into 2020 as sustainable for you as possible:  Budgeting is key! If you’re anything like me, having this word in your vocabulary can be a bit of a struggle. I have been lucky […]


It’s Better “Latte” Than Never to Attend Coffee and Culture

By: Jessie Garland Expand your cultural horizons, enjoy some coffee or tea and get a FREE mug when you attend Coffee and Culture at UW-Stevens Point. Coffee and Culture is a series of recurring events each semester put on by Campus Activities and Student Engagement (CASE) that focuses on different important cultural issues. Each event […]



By: Brie Atwater Scholarships can often be a confusing subject. Where do I apply? What do I apply for? What do I qualify for? I am here to guide you through this scholarship application process so you can enjoy that big turkey dinner, stress-free, and with the settling thought that you did all you could […]


Why You Should Study Abroad

The college experience is special, so take every opportunity you can to make it the best time of your life. One of my greatest adventures is studying abroad. If you’re reading this and have been thinking about it, let me tell you how incredible it is. This past June, I was very fortunate to study […]



By: Brie Atwater It’s time to go through something that can seem even scarier than navigating through a haunted house—FAFSA! The thought of filling it out may be daunting, but the financial aid you’ll receive throughout college is worth it. FAFSA becomes available Oct.1, the minute spooky season begins, but filling it out doesn’t have to be! The best part is that […]
