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Save The Date for Spring CASE Events!

The spring semester is on its way and that means a whole new list of exciting events happening on campus. The Campus Activities and Student Engagement Office, a.k.a. CASE, hosts a variety of events every semester to encourage students to get involved on campus and meet some new people. This semester has tons of fun […]


5 Tips on How to Start Your Spring Semester Right 

Spring semester is on its way, Pointers! A new semester means a fresh start. Whether you’re a part of multiple different organizations, have an on-campus job, or are simply attending classes, here are a few tips to set you up for a successful semester.  You don’t have to be the smartest person in the room, […]


A new year, a new FAFSA form!  

In 2024, FAFSA will be launching a new form involving some major changes and improvements. The official launch date will be December 31st, 2023. It has been transformed into a more streamlined experience for students and their families.  Here is what’s new with the upcoming FAFSA Form:  The Expected Family Contribution (EFC) will be replaced […]


Before You Go…

Winter break is fast approaching, which means all students will be heading home to unwind from the semester. But before students do so, they will have to prep their dorms for a month-long vacancy.  Students should be checking their emails for updates from Housing regarding what is required of them before they leave their dorms. […]


‘Tis the Season for Scholarship Applications

Scholarships are helpful for many students as they provide them with financial assistance while attending college. I have applied for many scholarships that aided me during college and took off some financial stress. I would recommend applying for as many scholarships as you can. Plus, it is an honor to receive a scholarship and show off […]
