Hello future, post or current college students!
I was hoping to get a blog out sooner but I just got my wisdom teeth removed; a lovely procedure if I may add. So, the blog was put up a week later than I projected.
I want to help you prepare for college; where you can find yourself, be yourself and people will love you for it!
I am Kaya; phonetically it is pronounced (KAY-yuh). I am a sassy, sarcastic, independent and pretty comical woman. The Diversity and College Access director, Ron Strege, referred to me as a “force of nature”; due to my persistent strive to get things done, no matter the obstacle.
Here is a little about my educational background….
I am a non-traditional student at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point with a double major in political science and international studies. I transferred to Stevens Point last year from UW-Marathon County to take an Arabic class. I used to commute to Stevens Point four days a week from Wausau and I work full time. It was a struggle, but all my hard work is paying off. I am now at UW-Stevens Point full time! This semester I received a campus leadership award and a diversity and inclusivity scholarship! I will be taking the LSAT (law school admission exam) in October this year! I want to be an advocate for human rights and help create global diversity, and I am really passionate about that. I came from a small town in northern Wisconsin and I had no diversity experience in my life. … Now, making diversity is my life.
In high school, I was a three-sport athlete in forensics, theater, choir and drama! I am not in any of those things now. Overachieving is something in my nature. So, I knew once I came to college, the last thing I wanted to do was not be involved. I love to be as active as possible on campus and I recommend everyone does the same. I am a part of the International Club, treasurer for the Islamic Student Association, National Society of Leadership and Success – Zeta Alpha Phi and a campus ambassador! I am also in a band for fun. We are called No Strings Attached, but that doesn’t have to do with being active on campus, but just about being active. I also attend many events. I rarely miss an event if it involves diversity or something for a good cause … or something that sounds pretty neat! I hope you find interest to learn how to prepare for college. If there is one thing I’ve learned, you just have to try to meet new people and be yourself or find yourself; you are the best at being yourself. People will love you for you at college AND I promise you that!
Stay Tuned!
Kaya Bo