By the end of my senior year, I was so over the cattiness and gossip that filled the halls of my high school. I was ready to get out, start my “adult” life and leave high school behind me. I was happy that all of my friends had decided to attend different colleges because I knew it would challenge us to meet new people. I was looking forward to hearing about each of their unique experiences and eventually touring their campuses. But I didn’t realize at the time how much college would change the dynamic of our friendships. (I guess I could have imagined it would change as we went from spending all day together to seeing each other only a handful of times each school year!)
Here are four things that happen when you and your friends finally leave your hometown:
- Going home turns into a high school reunion.
My first trip home of my college career was actually to get a pair of shoes I had forgotten. But my second was to watch my brother in the homecoming football game and catch up with some friends. It was then that I realized what returning home would be like for the next four years. Oh, and you might as well tattoo your school and major on your forehead because everyone is going to ask. Just kidding. But really, be prepared to answer this a lot.
- Your favorite group chat is the one with your high school squad.
I probably look like a loser walking to class, smiling at my phone, but that’s okay. Someone always has a funny story to share or a flashback to something that happened in high school. It’s a constant reminder of how lucky we are to have the technology where we can be miles apart and yet still so close.
- You have way more fun when you only see them on occasion.
Holidays are great because there’s usually good food and you don’t have to climb a loft to get to your bed. But it’s also the perfect time to reconnect with old friends. It’s become a ritual between that we gather at whoever’s parents’ house who are gracious enough to let 10 girls in their home the night before Thanksgiving.
- You always have a place to stay.
Oh, the perks of going to different schools. I love staying with my friends for the weekend and letting them give me an official tour of their city. A weekend sometimes turns into an entire summer; like it did this past summer when I landed an internship in Madison. A weekend can also turn into a school year (or two!) like when my best friend visited me at here UW-Stevens Point and liked it so much she decided to become a Pointer herself.
With that being said, if you’re a senior in high school, don’t take this last month and a half for granted. But also, look forward to your future, knowing your friends will always be by your side!
UW-Stevens Point blogger Chloe Wiersma is a communication major with a public relations emphasis and a business administration minor from Beaver Dam, Wis.