Chloe Wiersma, second from left, enjoys networking with other Pointers including these recent alumnae.
I have officially packed up my things in Stevens Point and headed to Madison, Wis., for the summer. While I’m in Madison, I will be completing a corporate communication and public relations internship where I’ll learn the ropes of public relations in a professional setting. I’m eager to get started and begin applying some of the skills I’ve developed this past school year.
Last summer, I was surprised to meet many former Pointers in the Madison area. (In fact, former Pointers interviewed me for both of my internships in Madison! It definitely helped to have that connection going into a new position.) One thing that I’ve noticed while pursuing jobs and internships is that Pointers, both current and former, are very eager to help each other be successful. As a member of Public Relations Student Society of America, I’ve watched former members reach out to the organization in search of job applicants and interns. It’s great that alumni identify with current students and are eager to help us get ahead.
But I didn’t get my internships by just putting “University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point” on my resume. My education from UW-Stevens Point and participation in Public Relations Students Society of America has done a tremendous job of preparing me for the professional world. My courses have taught me everything from how to write a cover letter to how to launch a social media campaign and other relevant tactics in my field of work. Both professionals in my field and my professors have taken time out of their day to review my resume. If you can’t find anyone to review your resume, I would highly recommend scheduling an appointment with someone at the Career Center. It really does help to have a second pair of eyes look over your materials. I’ve also learned that people are very willing to help students; all you have to do is ask!
UW-Stevens Point blogger Chloe Wiersma is a communication major with a public relations emphasis and a business administration minor from Beaver Dam, Wis.