It might be intimidating to think of having a roommate this fall, especially if you expect to share a room with someone you don’t know in advance. Here are five points that might ease your mind as you arrive at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.
1. At first you will be glued together: Often, first-year students living in the residence halls find in the first few months (and maybe more) their best friend is their roommate. You might be surprised. However, when you are adjusting to your first year of college, it is nice to have someone by your side. Generally this includes eating meals, walking to classes, participating in start-of-the-year activities and spending free time together.
2. You will disagree: After what I like to call the “honeymoon period” of roommates, settling in and living with someone can be difficult. You are not going to agree on everything, and that is perfectly okay. To help prevent a disagreement you should take the “roommate agreement” provided by Residential Living seriously. Actually sit down and have a discussion with your roommate and discuss the topics of the form (sharing, bed times, guests etc.) so that guidelines can be established between you.
3. You will become big supporters of one another: My roommate, who was an athlete and enrolling in the ROTC program was extremely active. I found myself in a very “mom like” state (which is what I see it as) where I was always asking questions and giving praise. “How did your day go?” “Did you play well” “Great job on that test”. Now as much as that may seem silly, I could tell that my roommate really appreciated it and when she did the same to me I loved it as well. There is nothing better than someone that actually cares about how your day went!
4. Your roommate will do things differently than you: Very commonly I went to bed late and my roommate went to bed very early. My roommate also ate very well where I was not that concerned. In some of these situations she had an impact on me and in others I’m sure I had an impact on her. Mostly, it helps to see that you can do things differently than you did at home if you wish, too. I think the greatest impact that my roommate had on me was watching what I ate. She really helped me see the benefits of making healthier choices in what I was eating.
5. Your first-year roommate is someone you will never forget: My mom still talks a lot about her first-year roommate and I know I will never forget mine. She helped me get through the insane changes of my first year of college and all the emotions that came with it. Let your roommates know how much you appreciate them and how much you love them. And to my roommate, Dana, because I know she is reading this (because she is supportive like that), thank you! I couldn’t have asked for anyone better!
UW-Stevens Point blogger Valerie Every is a communication major from Green Bay, Wis.