Volunteering is a great way to boost your resume, build a network and friendships and make a difference. It may not seem like it is worth your time to volunteer, until you are actually doing so. I haven’t volunteered as much as some people, but when I have, it feels great to have made a difference in someone’s life.
Boost Your Resume
Everyone always tells us to get involved because it will look good on your resume, but when have you heard of it actually making a difference? A good friend of mine volunteered at an event called Feed My Starving Children, and when he went in for an interview, the interviewer had volunteered at the same event. They made a connection and it really helped turn the interview into a conversation. When you have volunteer experience, it shows you are well-rounded and willing to donate your time and efforts. It also builds important leadership skills. This is appealing to employers and may help you get that edge over your competition.
Build a Network and Friendships
From volunteering at an event, I received a job offer from another volunteer. You won’t get a job offer at every event, but you may develop strong relationships with others who are there. These people could help you find a job in the future, be your mentor, or become a really great friend. I volunteered at the UW-Stevens Point Gala last year, and I met some wonderful professionals in the community. It is amazing to be able to talk to them when I see them in the community. You never know who you may meet while volunteering. It is a great way to make a first impression.
You Could Make a Difference
Volunteering is not about what you could get out of it, but what you can do to help others. Another good friend of mine volunteers for Big Brothers and Big Sisters. She makes a difference in a little girl’s life. This little girl may be facing adversity in her life, and my friend gives her one-on-one attention and support. Your time and attention means more to others than you may think.
Volunteering is an awesome opportunity for many reasons and it really could help many people in need. UW-Stevens Point has some amazing opportunities to volunteer at https://www.uwsp.edu/centers/SIEO/pages/volunteerism/default.aspx. This is not the only place to look, people are in need of volunteers all of the time, all you have to do is ask. If you have an opportunity to volunteer, do it.