Here are six pieces of advice for first-year students registering for fall courses this summer:
1. For new students entering the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, the first task you should get in the habit of doing is checking your email. All the information you need to know will be in your inbox, sent by the university. If you have any questions about future classes, or any questions in general, then your email is the first place to check for answers!
2. I suggest all new students sign up for general education courses first, before signing up for other classes. Getting your general education courses done first will save you time to take other important classes you will need for your major in the upcoming years. (Just know your senior year will become more difficult with tougher classes!)
3. For those who are undecided even after the first year, that’s OK! I would recommend continuing general education classes because the professors do a fantastic job at directing their students to majors that will suit each student. In college, classes are challenging and critical thinking is involved, but each class also makes you consider what you want to do for yourself in the future. You can also talk to your advisors to help pave the way to the future you want.
4. Students who already have an idea of what they want to major in, should give it a go and apply for classes within the major along with your general education courses. Sometimes, the classes you take aren’t what you would imagine them to be. And some students, by the end of the semester, change their major due to the subject area of the classes, or just not being interested in the major anymore. It’s totally OK to change majors two or even three times! Sometimes, it takes extra time and patience to figure out what you like.
5. If you want more one-on-one assistance when it comes to choosing a major, The Academic and Career Advising Center (located on the fourth floor of Albertson Hall) is the place to go for help with course advising, choosing a major and more!
6. It’s never too early to consider taking winter and summer courses during your time at UW-Stevens Point. Taking courses during these breaks can help you graduate earlier (think 3 ½ years or less!) and let you take classes that you were not able to squeeze into your fall or spring semester schedule. If you have any questions or concerns regarding tuition costs, you can always contact the Financial Aid Office for help.
Time flies when you’re here, so have fun and don’t be too hard on yourself. Good luck to the new admitted students, and welcome to the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point!

education school
Great article, exactly what I was looking for.