Are you surviving the first two months of the fall semester? Need to relieve some stress that has been building up over the past few weeks? Free your mind by attending free events on campus or in the Stevens Point community!
Here’s where you can find out what’s going on:
DUC Concourse
For starters, you can go to the Dreyfus University Center (DUC) and look at the concourse bulletin board filled with advertisements for what is happening around campus. On some days, students are at concourse booths promoting upcoming events they are involved in.
SPIN and Corq
The Stevens Point Involvement Network (SPIN) is also a resource for events that will be held on campus. You can access SPIN by going to spin.uwsp.edu and signing in with your university login. There’s also a companion app called Corq you can download that will keep you updated with what is happening on campus. (Don’t worry, it’s free!) Campus Activities and Student Engagement (CASE) and Centertainment Productions host most campus events such as bands, comedians, magicians and hypnotists! Events held by CASE and Centertainment are free with your student ID as well.
Campus Announcements
Another way you can stay updated with what’s going on is by checking your student email daily! If you didn’t know by now, the daily “Campus Announcements” email that arrives in your UW-Stevens Point inbox provides important updates and information on campus events and student organizations.
Stevens Point Area Convention and Visitor’s Bureau
Community events can be found online at stevenspointarea.com/events. This site includes community events from concerts and theatre to sports, fairs, workshops and festivals. If you lead a student organization, you can submit upcoming events open to the public to be included on the Stevens Point Area Convention and Visitor’s Bureau website! (See the instructions here.)
Now you know where to go, Pointers. Set up a study-break date with friends, choose an event, and have a spontaneous time together!