I remember feeling the nerves course through my veins as I came to realize I’d finally be a freshman in college.
The nerves didn’t hit me until I sat in the Dreyfus University Center Alumni Room during summer registration at UW-Stevens Point. Soon enough the session was done, and my family and I headed back home to begin packing my belongings to move into my residence hall. Next thing I know, I was already standing in front of Pray-Sims Hall with my luggage at the start of fall.
First Year
I remember my mom and my sister came to help me move into Pray-Sims the week before school began. (My sister and I did most of the work while my mom stood around and nagged at us.) Once we finalized the room and they were ready to head out, my mom turned to me to ask if I wanted to come back home for the weekend.
In my head, I was thinking, “Sorry, Mom, but no thanks.” Of course, I turned down the offer politely and walked them both out as we bid our last goodbyes. Little did I know, I would grow homesick during the first week of school. So I called my older sister to pick me up the following weekend to take me home.
Sophomore Year
I was feeling a little more relaxed in my sophomore year since I was familiar with the campus, and like déjà vu, it felt like last year again. My mom tried her best to convince me to stay at home for a week before school began. Just like last year, I had to turn her down again.
Before she left, I remember unpacking my things in the res hall room and my mom handing me money saying, “My baby is so big now!” I laughed and confirmed with her that I will always be her baby (I am the youngest of six siblings). After living on campus for a couple days, I would receive calls asking if I would be coming home for the weekend. Fortunately, I grew comfortable living on campus and I didn’t go home as often (it was more like resisting to go home) compared to my first year. Sorry mom, but I will be home for the holidays!
Junior Year
Now, I am a junior and I still receive phone calls from my mom asking if I will be coming home for the weekend. Except this time she bribes me. She tells me she will make my favorite meals because I haven’t visited my family in a while. Of course by now I give in, and I do go home to visit my family. Plus, I can’t say no to free food!
My mom isn’t the best at expressing her emotions, but I know she misses me! I asked her a few questions about what it was like for her when I was away at college.
What did you do when I first left home for college?
“I cleaned your room and made your bed all nice and tidy. Then, I went into your closet and picked up the mess you made and took some clothes that suited my taste and made them mine.”
What do you want to do when I come home?
“I want to have a conversation with you about how you’re doing, update you about the family and see you because I miss you.”
What advice would you like to tell me now?
“Continue doing what you’re doing and work hard, but don’t overwork yourself. If you need anything just tell me.”
First, I couldn’t help but laugh when my mom told me she took my clothes. She’s so silly.
On a different note, I usually just sit around and talk about my siblings with my mom. Hearing these words makes me want to work harder for myself and my family. I’m grateful having my mom and my dad in my life to guide me on what to do. I would be so lost without them.
There was more to the conversation with my mom, but I will be sure to visit her this weekend! I also want to remind everyone that even a simple phone call back home will brighten your mom or dad’s day.
Have a great rest of the week, Pointers!