I hope you’re enjoying winter break, Pointers! I know it seems too soon to think about next semester, but now is a good time to plan ahead. When winter break is done, the new semester will be here!
Check out these six ways to prepare:
1.Clear your mind when you come back to school.
It is easier said than done, but if your mind is still on winter break then you will begin slacking off in your classes right off the bat. A good tip for this is to begin your normal sleep routine a week early before classes begin, that way your body can adjust to your school schedule.
2. If you are taking a foreign language, study!
Memorization is key to learning a new language, and I would highly advise students to continue memorizing vocabulary. Take at least 30 minutes of your day to study a minimum of 10 words per day. You can challenge yourself by adding more words each time you quiz yourself.
3. Check your class schedule.
You can look at your school schedule the day before or the week before classes start, but just make sure you know where your classes will be held. It would be a good idea to begin setting your alarm clocks, too, while you’re at it.
4. Make sure you have everything packed.
For those who went home and are coming back to the residence halls, make sure you packed everything you wanted! The trip from home back to the university may be a long drive, so try not to forget anything at home!
5. Pick up your textbooks.
You could always wait until the first day of class to get your textbook(s) but, picking up books ahead of time will help you get organized and feel more relaxed going into the new semester. I recommend getting your textbooks before classes resume, if possible. The University Store and Text Rental opens again Jan. 2, 2018!
6. Get a lot of rest.
If you are taking classes over winter break, remember to rest a lot! You don’t want to be burned out before spring semester classes even begin. This leads back to my first tip, and I want you to enjoy your break as much as possible before your schedule becomes busy again.
I hope everyone stays warm during this cold winter. See you in the spring semester!