As someone who is a senior in college, I understand the intimidation of coming to a university for the first time. Although it may seem a little scary now, it definitely gets easier with time and family/friend support.
To make it even easier, the UW-Stevens Point Alumni Association has gathered the best advice taken straight from alumni themselves. These are individuals who have conquered the ups and downs of college life and are excited to share their words of wisdom with you!
Here are the top 10 quotes from alumni:
- “Take a variety of classes. Life doesn’t work out as planned and it’ll save time in the future to have that extra knowledge.”
- “Keep your residence hall room door propped open when you are moving in and throughout the day. Get to know your wing mates, go to breakfast together, lunch together and attend those wing meetings and social events!”
- “Be bold. Be adventurous. Be responsible. Be yourself.”
- “Take time to laugh and learn every day.”
- “Work hard, play hard and be proud to be a Pointer!”
- “Don’t be in a rush to choose a major. You should do your research and really explore your options.”
- “Study, volunteer, work, make lasting friends and memories! College goes by so fast! Go to sporting events, play intramurals, get to know your professors! Best years ever!!!”
- “To enjoy the next four years. It’s takes work and perseverance, but you are making friends and memories that will last the rest of your life!”
- “Don’t rush your time in college. There will be plenty of time later in life. Slow down and enjoy each minute.”
- “Breathe in, breathe out, and remember even professors were freshmen once! You’re there to learn, but, don’t forget to enjoy yourself as well! Congratulations on becoming a Pointer!”
Overall, it may seem a little scary at first, but once you’re here, you’ll realize even in the most stressful times of the year, you’ll be having fun and making memories with your lifelong friends!
Congratulations on becoming a Pointer! Your experience here is going to be amazing and we can’t wait to see you on campus this year!