Do you want to be a model? Or someone who influences decisions for student life? Perhaps an investigator adventuring into secret tunnels? Or maybe even just a student snagging the best deals?
Events, fundraisers, clubs and job postings are almost on every wall you see in the buildings. After some time, we ignore the collage of posters, causing us to miss out on some of the awesome gems that the University Centers offers. Here I’ve highlighted five beneficial opportunities the Centers can offer you!
University Store & Text Rental – Are you UWSP’s Next Top Model?
Believe it or not, the University Store’s models in the posters and banners are normal students like you and me. Regardless of your major or if you plan on doing modeling in the future, anyone can apply to model some of the store’s merchandise. The store’s primary audience is UWSP students, so who better to model than a UWSP student? If you would like to know more on this, email university.store.promotions@uwsp.edu.
Centertainment Productions – Take Action
From concerts and comedy shows, to the latest movies, seeing Centertainment Productions never leaves us bored. Did you know the programmers behind Centertainment are all students? The programmers give a student perspective and voice to the entertainment that’s offered. If you have an awesome idea or have opinions on what you want to see, let the programmers know.
Cardio Center – Get your Workout on for Free
Let’s face it, not all students enjoy hardcore workouts. Why pay for a membership for the Cardio Center if you’re barely going to use it, right? Well the Cardio Center offers free workouts Thursday 8-11 p.m. and Friday 5-10 p.m. For those of you who are unsure about purchasing a membership, this is your opportunity to check out the Cardio Center to see if it’s the right fit for you! Just remember to bring your UWSP student ID and appropriate workout attire.
Basement Brewhaus – Get your Coffee for Cheap, Cheap, Cheap
It took almost to the end of my sophomore year to realize the sweet deals the Brewhaus has to offer. Did you know about Thrifty Thursdays, because I sure didn’t. Every Thursday Pepsi products are $1.24 each, small coffees are only a $1 and everyday beer is $1.50. If you have not been taking advantage of these deals, now is the time!
Building Operations and UC Event Technical Services – “Secret” Tunnels that Keep You Out of the Cold
Ok, so I know I said five opportunities, but I had to add this one in too. There is a pro and con for this one. I’ll begin with the pro—near the bathrooms by the club rooms, located on the lower level of the Dreyfus University Center (DUC), there is a long hallway that takes you to the basement of the Student Services building. If you happen to be in the DUC and need to go talk to financial aid, stay out of the cold by taking this secret passageway.
Con—there are more secret tunnels in the DUC but unfortunately, they’re closed off for students and only accessed by staff. If you want to possess the knowledge of their whereabouts, join the Centers Services or UC Event Technical Services team to journey these secret corridors.