How to Make the Most out of Your Winter Break

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Imagine this—you’ve attended college classes for four months and completed many projects and tests. Now you have about a month off of school before second semester. What will you do in this month? It’s important to relax and prepare for another semester, but staying on track by completing important tasks will ensure you will have a smooth transition into the following semester.


Take a winter class. Taking a winter class or “winterim,” is common among college students to get on track for their degree program. Some students even take winterim classes to get ahead! These courses usually last a couple of hours longer than a normal semester course, but the times you meet with a professor are much less in comparison. Winterim classes typically have fewer students in attendance, meaning you will get more one-on-one time with your professor. Some students like winterims more because they can ask questions freely and work alongside their professor to complete a project or task.


Get organized. Winter break is the perfect time to get organized! Whether you need to renew your driver’s license or organize your closet, this is the time to do it. Donating clothes that don’t fit is a great opportunity to clean your closet out and help someone in need. Getting these to-do items done during break means you won’t have to do it come school.


Make/update your resume. Much of this month of is spent wondering, “What am I going to do?!” Taking this time to make or update your resume is a perfect solution. Since semesters are so hectic with classes, using this time to update your resume is essential. Upon entering my first year at UW-Stevens Point, I did not have a resume and didn’t know how to create one. It took some research and time for me to create one in a short amount of time for a job interview. Having an up-to-date resume on hand will save you time when you’d like to apply for an internship, job or scholarship.


Travel. Although college kids notoriously aren’t made out of money, it’s still possible to travel during your winter break. During my first year at UW-Stevens Point, I went on a mission trip with other students to Baton Rouge to help victims of flood relief. We helped rebuild homes and clean out rubble, but had a day to ourselves where we got to explore in New Orleans. Finding opportunities in your community to travel or go on a missions trip is a great way to give back and travel to somewhere new at the same time!





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