Joining student organizations is an incredible way to make new friends, have new experiences, develop academically and professionally, and to enhance your time at UW-Stevens Point.
There are over 170 student organizations on campus, with many of those focusing on natural resources.
At the beginning of every semester, Campus Activities and Student Engagement hosts the Involvement Fair, which showcases all the student organizations UWSP has to offer. It’s a great event to attend to meet student organizations, ask questions and get free swag!
For student organizations specific to natural resources, check out College of Natural Resources, or CNR Majors Night. It’s held every fall semester and students can talk to professors about the programs, resources and student organizations in CNR.
Below are all the student organizations that relate to natural resources. If you’re not a student in the CNR, feel free to join any of these that sound interesting. They are open to everyone!
Animal Behavior Club
This student organization is an incredible resource for those interested in working with wildlife. Animal Behavior Club meets every other Wednesday at 6 p.m. in the Trainer National Resources building, or TNR 359. Members will get hands-on experience with handling animals and develop professional skills to advance them in their careers.
American Institute of Chemical Engineering Student Chapter
The UWSP chapter of this organization aims to contribute to chemical engineering development on campus, while promoting professional development through programs and relations with other chapters and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
American Water Resources Association
Majoring, minoring, or just interested in water resources? Then check out this student organization! The American Water Resources Association meets every Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. in TNR 252. The student organization allows members to learn from professionals, other members and through hands-on experience.
Backcountry Hunters and Anglers of University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
For those passionate about the conservation of wilderness, backcountry and public lands, consider joining the UWSP Chapter of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, who are devoted to protecting these precious lands.
Environmental Educators and Naturalists Association (EENA)
EENA isn’t just for Environmental Education/Interpretation and Wildlife Education majors, it’s for everyone! EENA meets every Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. in room A201 of the Science Building. Members have a chance to learn from guest speakers, attend environmental education events in the community and conferences, and volunteer at fun events such as Schmeeckle Candlelight Hike and STEAMPoint Day. Every April, EENA hosts Eco-Fair where you can enjoy games, crafts, food and local vendors.
Ducks Unlimited
There is a student chapter of Ducks Unlimited right on campus! To learn more about this organization, check out their SPIN Page.
Fire Crew
If you love starting fires and going on field trips, this is the student organization for you! Fire Crew gives students numerous opportunities around the state and country! This past winter break, Fire Crew went to Florida to do some prescribed burns. Members of Fire Crew also receive practical experience with fire behavior and forest fire fighting as well.
Fisheries Society
The Fisheries Society gives members opportunities to gain work experience through projects, learn methods and skills, and learn about current issues from guest speakers.
Herpetology Society
Love reptiles? Love amphibians? We have the perfect organization for you! The Herpetology Society are the ones who tend to the vivarium in the TNR, and allow members to get hands-on experience with these critters. Members also have opportunities to learn from guest speakers, attend “herping” trips to find wild reptiles and amphibians, visit zoos, discover job and career opportunities, put on educational events for students and the public, and bond with fellow herp enthusiasts. Meetings are held every Monday at 6:00 p.m. in TNR 120.
Izaak Walton Leaque
This organization is dedicated to protecting and sustaining our natural resources, locally and nationally. For more information about this organization or to get in contact with them, check out their SPIN page.
Land Conservation Society
This student organization supports the North Central Conservation Trust (NCCT) and other Land Trusts in Wisconsin in pursuing their missions of land conservation. To do their part, the Land Conservation Society fundraises and monitors properties. Meetings are held Thursdays at 5:00 p.m. in TNR 255.
Parks & Recreation Association
If you’re interested in a career in the Parks and Recreation field, look no further than this organization! It unites like-minded students and gives them practical experiences in the field.
Society for Ecological Restoration (SER)
Whether you’re majoring in Ecological Restoration or want to make a difference in the local environment, SER has numerous opportunities for you to get your hands dirty. Members get first-hand experiences with prescribed burns, removing invasive species, collecting native seeds, and much more around the Stevens Point Area. SER meets Wednesdays at 5:00 in TNR 361.
Society of American Foresters
For those pursuing a career in Forestry, join this student organization to gain knowledge and experience in science and technology of professional forestry. Meetings are Thursdays at 5 p.m. in TNR 120.
Soil and Water Conservation Society of America
If you’re interested in soil and water conservation, join this community of like-minded individuals.
Students for Wetland Awareness, Management, and Protection (SWAMP)
SWAMP (clever acronym, right?) focuses on developing awareness of issues facing wetlands from the local to the global level. Members have the chance to promote the importance of wetlands through educational programs for UWSP students and the Stevens Point area.
Students for Sustainability
Passionate about sustainability, or want to learn how you can become more sustainable? Students for Sustainability is an incredible resource! This student organization meets every Thursday at 6:00 p.m. in TNR 240. From farm tours to volunteering in the campus garden, Students for Sustainability plays an important role in fostering sustainable lifestyles around campus and the community.
Student Law Enforcement Association
This organization allows students to gain practical experience through opportunities such as guest speakers and extended trainings. Members also receive job listings regularly and gain cooperation and human resource skills as well through participation in this group. Meetings are held Mondays at 5:00 p.m. in TNR 170.
Student Society for Arborculture
This society aims to further the knowledge and experience of their members in Urban Forestry, Arboriculture and related fields. Meetings are every Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. in TNR 320.
Technical Association of Pulp & Paper Industry
This student organization is a wonderful resource for those majoring in Paper Science. Its focus is to promote education in the pulp and paper industry and assisting with professional development of those pursuing a career in the industry.
The Wildlife Society (TWS)
From banding wood ducks to educating children about wildlife, you’ll never get bored as a member of The Wildlife Society. This student organization allows members hands-on experiences with professional development, handling wildlife, and networking. TWS has several different research projects that members can volunteer for, such as tracking wildlife with radio telemetry, wood duck nest box checks, and camera trapping wildlife. Members can also attend conferences and assist with restoring a wildlife area. Meetings are held Tuesdays at 5:00 p.m. in TNR 170.
Waste Management Society
This student organization allows students interested or majoring in Waste Management to attend field trips, learn from guest speakers, and develop professional skills for their future professions.
Women in Natural Resources
This student organization encourages awareness and participation of women in the natural resources field. Members can experience professional and educational opportunities, learn from guest speakers, and take part in community and recreational service activities. Meetings are held every first Monday of the month in TNR 362 at 6:00 p.m.
For more information about CNR or non-CNR student organizations, check out Stevens Point Involvement Network (SPIN), which can be accessed from the UWSP homepage. On SPIN, you can find more information about student organizations, such as fees, meeting locations, and upcoming events