Let’s be honest, having such similar titles for these two offices can be confusing, especially on where to go for answers to certain questions. Due to the fact that I work in the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships, I feel I have a fairly good idea on where to go. For other students, it could mean being transferred from one office to the other. Today, I’ll give you the basics for understanding which office does what.
Here’s a simple rule that might help: The Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships offers you funds, and the Student Financial Services Offices receives funds.
To help you even more, take a look at this handout where you’ll see other frequently asked questions and which office can help with answering them. After working in the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships, I can tell you one of the most frequently asked questions we get, that should be directed to the Student Financial Services Office is, “Where’s my refund?” How many of us have asked this very question? Probably more than you think!
Knowing where to go will help you with finding the answers quicker and reduce frustration. In the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships, we can help you with questions about your financial aid offer, completing any outstanding checklist items related to your financial aid, details about loans such as interest rates and loan limits and tools to help you learn more about financial literacy. As for the Student Financial Services Office, they’re happy to help you decipher your university bill, understand finance charges, how to sign up for direct deposit and billing deadlines—just to name a few!
As I have increased my own financial literacy, I have found it much easier to consult with staff in both offices. This has helped me tremendously in meeting my needs. All questions are welcomed and encouraged, so don’t hesitate to ask them. The bottom line is if you want to reach your goals or grasp a full understanding of a certain topic, getting the answers to your questions is a priority, so stop by their offices in the Student Services Center—they are more than happy to help you.