The start of the semester always brings fun new challenges and figuring out new processes, especially for studying. Today, I’m bringing you my top study tips to make this semester go smoothly.
Remove the distractions. Unplug from your devices.
I’ve had a bad habit of playing Netflix, texting people back and searching Facebook while trying to do homework or study. Just while writing this blog, I watched Grey’s Anatomy and scrolled through Pinterest on my phone. Electronic distractions create a “rabbit hole” where you go down one trail and it takes a while for you to come back to what you need to do.
Don’t be afraid to take it back to the basics.
Last year, I took two semesters of French. My French professor would create Quizlet sets. Remember my last tip about removing distractions? Well, when I would practice, I would start on Quizlet, then go to Netflix, check Facebook, then back to Quizlet and the cycle would start all over again. After I realizing I was getting distracted online, I went back to writing old-fashioned note cards and ended up getting an A for both semesters.
Rewrite those notes from class.
My sister is a biology major with a double minor in chemistry and neuroscience and behavior. I asked her what her most significant study practice was and she said she likes to rewrite notes, graphs and charts. I eventually started to do that and I felt like I was retaining information at a much higher rate. As a result, my sister has had several successful consecutive semesters.
Ask for help when you need it.
One semester I took an astronomy class, thinking it was only going to be about planets—I was very wrong. I ended up doing poorly in the course, which brought my GPA down. Each major has GPA requirements, and I didn’t want to fall below that requirement. Since then, I have visited the Tutor Learning Center (TLC), located in the basement of Albertson Hall, to get help. They have tutors for many different subjects, so check them out!
Don’t cram, take a break!
This fall marks the fifth year of my college journey. Knowing when to take breaks can make college a success. UW-Stevens Point has fantastic events on campus such as sporting events, concerts, free group fitness classes, movies and more! Attending one can give you that much needed time away from your books! I personally love watching Netflix shows like Grey’s Anatomy, Fuller House and Once Upon A Time. I also like going to the gym to workout.