By: Cole Verbeten
Move-in day is fast-approaching and planning what you should and should not bring is step #1.
As summer pushes forward, you may start to see stores transition to selling back-to-school items and you may think, “What should I bring to UWSP when I move in? Look no further! Here are some tips, tricks, do’s, and don’ts from a former Resident Assistant (RA) and current UWSP Senior Cole Verbeten!
Plan ahead!
Make sure to not wait until the last minute to gather your items for move in. Gathering slowly, but surely helped me and my parents make sure I had everything I needed for move in.
Have your student communicate with their roommate!
The last thing you want is to realize you bought something when you most likely did not need to. To avoid this, make sure to reach out to their roommate and coordinate who is bringing what for their residence hall room.
Don’t pack too much, but pack enough!
When you arrive on campus for move-in day, you and your move-in crew have a short time to get everything out of your vehicles and into blue carts to move you in. It’s important that you have all the essentials you need to live comfortably in your room. However, you do not need every item from your closet. Take some time to decide what items you absolutely need and what items you may not need.
Make the most of the space you have!
The saying “less is better” is certainly true during move in. If you can minimize the number of items or containers needed to move in, the better! Try to fit as much as you can into containers you use, so you won’t have to be out in the hot summer heat as long!
Do not bring any candles or open coil items!
As a former RA, candles and open coil items pose as a potential fire hazard in the residence halls. The last thing we want to happen is for something to start on fire. Instead, to keep your room smelling good, bring a wax melter and some scented wax to use!
To find a more comprehensive packing list by clicking this link. If you have questions, you can contact Residential Living at 715-346-3511 or at