By: Haley Sternitzky
Have you ever wanted to visit the UW-Stevens Point at Marshfield campus but never know when to? Well have no fear, ViewPoint Day is here!
On Wednesday, Oct. 6 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. and Monday, Nov. 8 from 1-3 p.m. Marshfield will be hosting a campus visit! What is a ViewPoint day you may ask? Well, ViewPoint Days are when prospective students and their families can come and take a look at our beautiful campus, meet future students, learn about our campus resources and more!
Throughout the evening, you’ll learn everything you need to know about the applying process! From how to apply and what the criteria is, to tips and tricks on how to pay for college, our campus is here to help you. There will also be students and staff there to answer any questions you have and you will have the opportunity to have a campus and Villas (student housing) tour from one of our student ambassadors.
If you would like to sign up for ViewPoint Day click here. You may also schedule your visit by calling the Marshfield Solution Center (715-389-6530) or register via e-mail ( by sending us the date you wish to visit, student(s) name (last and first), phone number, mailing address, email, anticipated entry term, and academic area of interest. We hope to see you there!