Hello again, Pointers! From all of us here at the Financial Aid Office, we welcome new and continuing students back on campus. To start off the new year, I’ve organized a list of important dates and deadlines for UW-Stevens Point students – please mark these in your calendar.
Here is a date that has already passed, but it’s not too late to take action (or keep in mind for next year).
October 1st, 2017: The FAFSA, or Free Application for Federal Student Aid, opened for the 2018-2019 school year. If you haven’t filled it out yet, it’s not too late! Remember: you will need to use tax information from 2016 for the 2018-2019 FAFSA.
Be sure to list UW-Stevens Point’s school code, 003924, as a recipient of your information. Act quickly, and you can still receive aid. Complete the application here.
You can also read my post, 5 Tips on the FAFSA for more insights. (Note: College Goal Wisconsin dates have passed, but you should keep them in mind when filling out the FAFSA next year!)
Take note of these upcoming dates for new and continuing UW-Stevens Point students.
March 2018 is when our Financial Aid Office begins distributing award letters to new incoming students. To accept your award for the 2018-2019 school year, log into accesSPoint, the UW-Stevens Point student information system.
If you receive any outside awards, like scholarships, it is important to let the Financial Aid Office know through the Scholarship Reporting Form. These outside resources may affect the amount and type of federal aid a student receives from the university – typically replacing the least desirable form of assistance.
April 2018 is Financial Literacy Month. Financial Aid Office staff will be available to answer questions and hand out financial literacy resources from 10 a.m. to noon at the Dreyfus University Center concourse on April 2, 9, 16 and 23. Our resources detail everything from federal student aid, scholarships, budgeting and more. Stay tuned for a future blog post on Financial Literacy Month!
April 17, 2018 is the tax filing deadline with the Internal Revenue Service. Keep copies of your tax documents (or remind your parents!) as they may be needed by the Financial Aid Office in the future.
May 2018 is when the Financial Aid Office sends award letters for the upcoming summer, fall and spring semesters to continuing students who are also FAFSA applicants.
Now is the time to become financially literate! UW-Stevens Point offers GradReady, an online, interactive financial literacy resource. Check out my last few blog posts covering important topics such as paying for college, money management and real-world finance.
There is plenty of information about loans, scholarships, tuition costs and more on the Financial Aid Office website. Look at the financial literacy webpage, too!
Becoming aware of these dates is a key step in preparing for your future. Here at UW-Stevens Point, we want you to succeed! If you have any questions, please feel free to stop by UW-Stevens Point’s Financial Aid Office, located in room 106 of the Student Services Center. We are happy to help Pointers and parents!