Hello everyone! My name is Ashlee Weidman. I am currently a senior, double majoring in communication-public relations and philosophy. Recently, I became the communications and marketing assistant for University Advancement, with a focus on the UW-Stevens Point Alumni Association.
If you’re thinking, “We have an Alumni Association?” We sure do! The Alumni Association handles all things UWSP alumni related including volunteer work, donations, alumni awards and alumni chapters.
Before getting this job, I wasn’t sure we even had an alumni office on campus either. As students, we don’t think about anything alumni related until we’re actually alumni. But after getting this job, I realized there is so much the Alumni Association can do for students before commencement, when we officially join the Pointer alumni family.
Here are four ways you can benefit from the Alumni Association:
1.Sign up for your alumni email address.
Although this will mostly benefit you after graduation, it is number one on the list because many students don’t know they can sign up for an alumni email. Your current student email account will be discontinued a few months after you graduate. If you want to stay connected to campus and your Pointer family, you should sign up! Having an alumni email is also a great way to look professional to employers when you apply for jobs after graduation. Signing up is simple and can be done here. (Please note: emails in your student account will not transfer over to your new alumni email account. If you want to save important emails from your student account, forward them to your alumni address.)
2. Participate in volunteer Days of Service.
Throughout the year, alumni all across the nation host volunteer events called Days of Service. These volunteer events are not just open to UWSP alumni but to all of our Pointer family – including students! Not only is this a great way to get volunteer experience, but it is also a fantastic way to network with your fellow Pointers who have graduated. Signing up to volunteer is completely free and you get a Day of Giving T-shirt for doing so! Days of Service events can be found here.
3. Keep up with the Alumni Association on social media.
The Alumni Association is incredibly active on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. They are known for celebrating things like National Puppy Day, providing behind-the-scenes content for campus events like Arts Bash, and posting live videos such as the Coffee With Alumni & Friends series. The Alumni Association frequently hosts social media giveaways as well. Who doesn’t love free stuff?! And they don’t just give the awesome stuff to alumni – students can win, too! By keeping up with @UWSP_Alumni on social media, you can stay up-to-date with what’s happening on campus and in the Stevens Point community.
4. Attend homecoming!
Homecoming at UWSP is all about welcoming back our Pointer family to campus. Students should take full advantage of the day and participate in activities and attend homecoming games. Similar to the Days of Service, homecoming is an opportunity to network with those who have already graduated! The Alumni Association hosts events such as Greek life/student org reunions and the Distinguished Alumni Awards on homecoming day. These events are a great way for students and alumni to come together and celebrate UWSP! There are also giveaway items specific for homecoming that current students are eligible for. Mark your calendar for #UWSPhomecoming 2018 on October 20 and remember to bring your Pointer pride!
These are just a few of the many ways students can benefit from the Alumni Association. If you have any questions about the Alumni Association or the events listed above, make sure you reach out to alumni@uwsp.edu or stop by the office in Old Main room 134. The staff members here are always eager to talk to their fellow Pointers!
Ashlee Weidman is a UW-Stevens Point senior with a double-major in communication-public relations and philosophy. She currently serves as the communications and marketing assistant for University Advancement.