By: UW-Stevens Point Conseling Center
Isolation and loneliness are associated with poorer mental health. Here are some ways to combat isolation and loneliness, especially during COVID-19.
- Keep to a Schedule
- Do your best to keep a daily routine and schedule every day.
- Stay Informed
- Stay informed about what is going on, however, do not overdo it. Limit watching the news or reading too many articles if it causes anxiety. Protect your mental health and set aside a specific time of day to read those articles.
- Stay Active
- Physical health and mental health go hand in hand! Practice some at-home workouts or talk a walk outside, as long as you are socially distancing.
- Do Something Meaningful
- Feeling a loss of sense of meaning in your life can contribute to feelings of loneliness. Participate in meaningful activities to give you a sense of purpose!
- Connect with Others
- Connecting with others is a great way to fight loneliness! Connect with your family and friends in nontraditional ways.
- Send a letter, FaceTime, Video chat/skype, texting
- Participate in Facebook groups about your hobbies or interests, play multiplayer games, sign up for QuarantineChat.
- Connecting with others is a great way to fight loneliness! Connect with your family and friends in nontraditional ways.
- Find Sources of Comfort
- Practice self-care!
- Take a bath
- Cook healthy comfort food
- Watch your favorite TV show
- Read a book
- Get plenty of sleep and rest
- Practice self-care!
- Create Something
- Creating something can be therapeutic! Try writing projects or art projects.
- Write poetry
- Color in an adult coloring book or print off an adult coloring page
- Write in a journal
- Paint-by-number projects
- Creating something can be therapeutic! Try writing projects or art projects.
- Distract Yourself
- Read a new book, watch a TV show or movie, listen to a podcast, listen to music, or do an online crossword puzzle.
- Plan for the Future
- Remember that this won’t last forever. Things will eventually go back to normal, so in the meantime, plan something that you would like to do in the future. You can make a bucket list or plan a fun event!
- Practice Self Compassion
- This is a challenging time for everyone, including yourself. Practice self-compassion and accept your feelings. Remember that there are people here to help you, including the UWSP Counseling Center!