Tag Archives: health

Spin Bikes: A How-To Guide

Take Spin bikes for a spin! Nicole Kivela shares a how-to guide for using UW-Stevens Point's bike share option.

If you’ve been on the UW-Stevens Point campus in the last couple months, it’s likely you’ve seen college students riding around on bright orange bikes. Ever wonder how you can ride one of these around town? Here’s how!


5 Essential Oils For College Students

UW-Stevens Point College of Natural Resources blogger Shanon Columb shares five essential oils for fellow Pointers to try.

I began my essential oil journey a few months ago. I decided to start using essential oils because I wanted to use a more natural product in my everyday life, which not only would benefit me but the environment as well. Before I got into essential oils, I always thought they were only used for aromatherapy. Boy, was I wrong! Essential oils are extremely versatile and have so many benefits.


Life With A Guide Dog

Blogger Shannon Columb shares what life is like with her guide dog Frasier.

What better way to start your day than being woken up by a cold, wet nose prodding you in the face at 7 a.m.? That’s how my day starts every morning.


8 Ways To Be A Greener Student

UW-Stevens Point College of Natural Resources blogger Shannon Columb shares eight ways to be a greener student.

Becoming more eco-sensitive doesn’t happen overnight. I have to admit, it’s hard to integrate greener habits into everyday life, especially in the world we live in. Being green isn’t always convenient in our society. But in the long run, it’s the best option for you, the environment and for the future.


10 Things To Do This Winter

Anyon Rettinger shares 10 things to do this winter in central Wisconsin.

If you are looking for some fun activities to do this winter season in central Wisconsin, look no further than this list of close and easy winter recreation sites in the Stevens Point area and surrounding communities.
