Tag Archives: advice

Syllabus Week: How to Start off on the Right Foot

Syllabus week- also known as the first week of college classes. It’s no surprise that the first week of classes is all about introductions and learning the expectations for each course, so there usually isn’t much homework assigned. Use this valuable time to set some goals for yourself, as well as to get organized for […]


Commencement Reflections

Commencement Reflections - Anyon Rettinger

Each year of college has been drastically different. Although it has been two different chapters in my book, because of the two universities I attended, I am quite content with the way things worked out. I have so many memories and friends to cherish and list of accomplishments to be proud of.


The A to Z of College

I have learned a variety of things in college I wish I had known coming in. I wish I had been prepared for how much I was going to change, how much I needed to be patient, and to ask more questions. Here is an A-to-Z list of some of the advice I have found useful […]
