Tag Archives: campus life

What Can The Cupboard Do For You?

Monique Mata-Bonilla shares what The Cupboard can do for UW-Stevens Point students.

The University Centers Campus Activities and Student Engagement – also known as CASE – provides a food pantry called The Cupboard for students living on and off campus. It’s located on the lower level of the Dreyfus University Center in room 061.


Life With A Guide Dog

Blogger Shannon Columb shares what life is like with her guide dog Frasier.

What better way to start your day than being woken up by a cold, wet nose prodding you in the face at 7 a.m.? That’s how my day starts every morning.


5 Essential Things To Know About University Information And Tickets

University Centers blogger Monique Mata-Bonilla has the essential info you need to know about University Information and Tickets.

I’ll shed some light on this lesser known campus service by sharing five useful need-to-knows about University Information and Tickets at UW-Stevens Point. You may already be familiar with its central desk, located in the first-floor lobby of the Dreyfus University Center.


8 Ways To Be A Greener Student

UW-Stevens Point College of Natural Resources blogger Shannon Columb shares eight ways to be a greener student.

Becoming more eco-sensitive doesn’t happen overnight. I have to admit, it’s hard to integrate greener habits into everyday life, especially in the world we live in. Being green isn’t always convenient in our society. But in the long run, it’s the best option for you, the environment and for the future.


Get The Latest Scoop On Your PointCard

University Centers blogger Monique Mata-Bonilla gives the latest scoop on your PointCard. Learn what your student ID can do for you!

There are many perks your PointCard has to offer that many students don’t realize. As your student ID, your PointCard is your ticket for free admission to most on-campus events. It also provides discounts on purchases at participating businesses, doubles as your free city bus pass, and holds your on-campus gym memberships (plus free group fitness classes!). Along with everything above, your PointCard also holds three important accounts…
