Tag Archives: campus life

5 Reasons Why UW-Stevens Point is for Me

Schmeeckle Reserve

There are many reasons to attend UW-Stevens Point, which you will hear on a campus tour or find online. But there is even more to UW-Stevens Point that you can’t always find out until you are enrolled in classes and become a part of the Pointer family!   1. People are welcoming One of the biggest […]


The A to Z of College

I have learned a variety of things in college I wish I had known coming in. I wish I had been prepared for how much I was going to change, how much I needed to be patient, and to ask more questions. Here is an A-to-Z list of some of the advice I have found useful […]


The Do’s and Don’ts of 8 a.m.’s

If there is one thing college students complain about most, it’s how tired they are. And one big contributor of this (at least for me) is the fact that I have to get up for my 8 a.m. classes almost every morning of the school week. To get you through your 8 a.m.’s here are […]


Get in the Spooky Spirit, Pointers!

With Halloween around the corner, I wanted to explore some ways that Pointers “get spooky” and celebrate the fall season on campus. Halloween and fall festivities at college are not always the same as they are at home. No children trick-or-treat in the residence halls (although some halls do organize trick-or-treating for students!), and you […]


Your Guide to Coffee on Campus

Coffee and college go together like peanut butter and jelly. You’ll start gradually with one cup before your 8 a.m. Then, soon enough, you’ll be on cup number six at 10 p.m. in the library – completely over-caffeinated. And although you can’t stop twitching, you know all the caffeine will be worth it when you […]
