Tag Archives: first-year students

The A to Z of College

I have learned a variety of things in college I wish I had known coming in. I wish I had been prepared for how much I was going to change, how much I needed to be patient, and to ask more questions. Here is an A-to-Z list of some of the advice I have found useful […]


The Do’s and Don’ts of 8 a.m.’s

If there is one thing college students complain about most, it’s how tired they are. And one big contributor of this (at least for me) is the fact that I have to get up for my 8 a.m. classes almost every morning of the school week. To get you through your 8 a.m.’s here are […]


My Biggest Cheerleader

Starting college is a new and exciting experience, but it can also seem frightening and overwhelming. For me, it has been valuable to have a strong support system to help in the transitional times of my life and to keep me going. My mom has been my biggest cheerleader and supporter through the whole experience. […]


How to Save Space in Your Room

Moving into a residence hall room and learning to share your space with a roommate is one challenge itself, but getting your stuff organized in an accessible manner is another. For students living in the residence halls on campus at UW-Stevens Point, it is important to find every way to save space and maximize it. I […]


Why Point?

UW-Stevens Point has a different impact on everyone based on the experiences that happen while on campus. Experiences can influence people’s decisions, and my experiences at UWSP while in grade school definitely influenced my choice to attend this university later. Some people choose to go to a university because of its size, affordability and where it […]
