UW-Stevens Point blogger Kaya Gravitter discusses how writing journal entries, poetry, short stories and music help her express herself and her trials as a college student.
Kaya Gravitter
I am Kaya; phonetically it is pronounced (KAY-YUH). I am a sassy, sarcastic, independent, and pretty comical woman. The Diversity and College Access Director referred to me as a “force of nature”; due to my persistent strive to get things done, no matter the obstacle. “We need to help students and parents cherish and preserve the ethnic and cultural diversity that nourishes and strengthens this community - and this nation.” — Cesar Chavez What I do on Campus: I am a non-traditional student at UW – Stevens Point (UWSP) with a double major in Political Science and International Studies . I transferred to Stevens Point last year from UW Marathon County (UWMC), to take an Arabic class. I used to commute to Stevens Point 4 days a week from Wausau and work full time. It was a struggle but all my hard work is paying off. I am now at UWSP full time! This semester I received a campus leadership award and a diversity and inclusivity scholarship! I will be taking the LSAT (law school admission exam) in October this year! I want to be an advocate for human rights and help create global diversity, and that is something I am really passionate about. I came from a small town in northern WI and I had no diversity experience in my life…. Now making Diversity is my life.Posts by Kaya:
Be social through healthy relationships
It is important to stay focused in college but it is also important to meet people. Blogger Kaya Gravitter has some tips on how you can be more social at UW-Stevens Point.
More...Local artists work hard, inspire
Blogger Kaya B. Gravitter reviews several current and former UW-Stevens Point artists who inspire city residents and their fellow Pointers.
More...Be open-minded
Student blogger Kaya Gravitter says embracing diversity in college and learning about other people who are decidedly different from you will often teach you how alike we really are.
More...Follow your arrow and stay focused
UW-Stevens Point student Kaya Gravitter has some advice for prospective, new and current Pointers alike on how to stay focused during the academic year. Read more in the UW-Stevens Point student blog.