Tag Archives: college advice

11 College Hacks

Kelly Kositzke shares 11 college life hacks for UW-Stevens Point students.

For those who think they know nothing (and those who think they know everything), here are 11 hacks to make college life a little easier this coming fall:


Transitioning From High School To College

Nicole Kivela talks transitioning from high school to college and shares four tips for new UWSP students!

I’m going to share four tips I’ve learned in my own transition from high school to college. I hope these work well for you, too!


8 Things To Do In Portage County This Summer

New blogger Kelly Kositzke shares 8 things she's doing in Portage County for fun this summer!

Here are eight things I know I’ll be doing this summer in Portage County… Get ready to squash any thoughts of boredom over the next three months!


Let Me Introduce Myself

UW-Stevens Point's newest blogger and graphic design student, Nicole Kivela, introduces herself.

Hi, all! My name is Nicole, and I am pursuing a major in graphic design at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. I’m originally from Marshfield, Wisconsin, which is not too far from the UW-Stevens Point campus. I’m going to be a junior in the fall and can’t wait for another great year at UWSP!


Commencement Reflections

Commencement Reflections - Anyon Rettinger

Each year of college has been drastically different. Although it has been two different chapters in my book, because of the two universities I attended, I am quite content with the way things worked out. I have so many memories and friends to cherish and list of accomplishments to be proud of.
